✎ 时间会帮我们筛选很多不值得的人和事儿。
Time will help us screen out many unworthy people and things.

✎ 人在睡觉前总是想着念念不忘的东西。
People always think about things they can't forget before going to bed.

✎ 从悲伤中落落大方的走出来就是艺术家。
An artist comes out of sadness gracefully.

✎ 不被理解的时候真的一句话都不想多说。
I really don't want to say a word when I'm not understood.

✎ 为什么有人聊天跟见面完全两个态度?
Why do people have completely different attitudes towards chatting and meeting?

✎ 如何让一个不爱自己的人爱上自己?
How to make a person who doesn't love himself fall in love with himself?

✎ 我不是不理你,我只是在等你先开口。
I'm not ignoring you, I'm just waiting for you to speak first.