
1. 你说你喜欢美女,于是我为了变美去整容,结果却成了你不懂美的牺牲品。You said you liked beautiful women, so I went for plastic surgery to become beautiful, but in the end, I became a sacrifice of your not understanding beauty.

2. 恶语相向的那一刻,恍惚想起很久以前,是你先说的喜欢我,现在却让我滚。At the moment of speaking harshly, I suddenly remembered a long time ago, it was you who said you liked me first, but now you tell me to go away.

3. 你始终都不知道,我欲言又止的时候有多委屈,就像你不懂我为什么突然发脾气。You never know how aggrieved I am when I want to speak but stop, just like you don't understand why I suddenly lose my temper.

4. 不会有人傻到,被你伤害了还笑着说原谅吧,我就是那个傻子。No one will be so silly as to be hurt by you and still say forgive, and I am that silly person.

5. 该怎么释怀呢,是你送的礼物还是你说过的情话。How to let go? Is it the gift you gave or the words of love you said?

6. 你走吧,只要我不说,没人知道你曾说过会娶我。You go, as long as I don't say, no one knows that you once said you would marry me.

7. 我带着信任和期待而来,该失望的人不应该是我。I came with trust and expectation, and the person who should be disappointed should not be me.

8. 难吃的东西不会吃第二口,让我难过的人却爱了一次又一次。I won't eat something that tastes bad for the second time, but I love the person who makes me sad again and again.



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